In business and in life, you don’t get what you want.
I had a newsletter drafted and ready to go this morning with well over 800 words and I decided to scrap the entire thing.
Why? Because I want you to read the ENTIRE thing.
As an agency owner of over 10 years, I have the opportunity to coach agency owners as they start, grow, and scale their agencies.
I see a lot of common patterns when it comes to FAILURE (focusing on failures is a big strategy to success — see last week’s Monday Reset).
See if you can spot the pattern:
“I want a $100k/mo agency.”
“I want to hire a sales rep to sell for me.”
“I want to be financially free.”
“I want to learn how to improve my media buying skills.”
Think you can see it?
I’ll give you a hint — it’s likely something YOU do as well.
“I want” “I want” “I want”
Let me fill you in on something, everybody wants everything.
There is an endless supply of wants.
But in business AND in life, you do not get what you want! You get what you must have.
This is why people don’t go to the gym but have time to eat 4 square meals a day.
Because they feel like they “have to” eat.
What you want must become what you NEED. It must become as essential to you as water, oxygen, and cheesecake.
Stop saying “I want” and start saying “I will.” Declare it to everyone around you and do not be afraid of looking like a fool.
Fear will hold you back from saying “I will.”
But as soon as you overcome that fear, things WILL change.
This Monday, determine what you WILL achieve, and don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way.