Resistance is KILLING your opportunities
It’s the enemy of every entrepreneur, marketer, creator, and any human with a pulse.
According to Napoleon Hill, “resistance” is the biggest reason why 98% of people never achieve their goals.
But what in the world am I talking about? What is resistance?
Resistance is the voice in your head that constantly says:
“You’re not good enough.”
“Nobody is going to believe you.”
“You’re not capable of success.”
“Just quit.”
But resistance is more than just negative thoughts.
Resistance shows its face in many aspects of business and life. Procrastination, distractions, and even pursuing a “shadow calling” — something that feels like your true calling, but without any risk or reward.
Resistance is every little thing that is preventing you from moving forward in your life or your business.
Realizing this is a thing, is the first step. Preventing or overcoming it is the next.
Here are several ways you can defeat resistance and move forward at record speeds.
Get uncomfortable.
Resistance wants you to avoid pain and stay in your comfort zone. To beat it, you must deliberately step outside your comfort zone and embrace discomfort. This means taking on challenges, trying new things, and facing your fears head-on.Delay gratification.
Resistance tempts you with instant pleasure and shortcuts. To overcome it, you must learn to delay gratification. This means putting in the work, staying disciplined, and focusing on long-term rewards rather than short-term pleasures.Take massive action (cliche, I know)
Resistance wants you to conserve energy and be lazy. To conquer it, you must take massive action. This means going above and beyond, putting in the extra effort, and consistently pushing yourself to do more than you think you can.Question EVERYTHING (why are you even reading this? why am I even writing this!?)
Resistance relies on your brain's confirmation bias, which seeks to prove itself right. To defeat it, you must question everything. This means challenging your beliefs, assumptions, and limiting thoughts. Question the status quo.
To beat resistance, you have to do the opposite of what your brain wants.
If you’re like most people, you’ll mindlessly cycle through each social media app on your phone. And by the end of checking the last app, you’ll immediately re-open Facebook/IG because hey, there might be a NEW notification in the last 5 minutes (and there usually is — Facebook knows how to hook you in).
Every mindless action begins with a stimulus.
Between the initial thought and action, there is a small gap where you can make a decision.
Make the decision to delay the gratification. Resistance will keep you from making real progress every day.