Everything is a Sales Funnel 🌎=🔻
This little shift in your thinking will do WONDERS in your business
As a marketer, you’re very familiar with the standard process of taking the many and converting them into the few.
Many prospects, fewer clients.
This journey is often referred to as a funnel due to the visualization of going from wide to narrow.
But many business owners only relate this to marketing and sales when, in fact, it applies to almost everything in your business!
Now you’re probably thinking to yourself “of course it does” — but in reality, are you treating other areas of your business like making a sale?
For example, I often get asked about hiring—when to start hiring, how to hire, and how to know when to fire someone. And one of the recurring themes I see are agency owners hiring ONE person per role at a time.
And on top of that, your hiring “offer” is weak. And so is your social proof.
All of these elements we think of when selling a client ALSO apply to selling a new hire.
Social proof. Solid offer. Never stop selling. Selling to more than one. etc.
When you start treating everything like you treat sales, you increase the potential opportunity of success by 100x.
Here are some other sales funnels that you should be focusing on:
Team / Hiring
Yourself TO OTHERS
This week, take a look at what parts of your business could use some of the attention you’re putting into “sales = clients.”
You’ll be surprised to see that, in most cases, it’s lackluster.
Give some love to those other funnels this week and let me know what you find!